Accountability and Grievance Mechanism

The Accountability and Grievance Mechanism (AGM) for the Inclusive Conservation Initiative (ICI) can be accessed as follows:

STEP 1: Contacting the Executing Agency at the Subproject Level

The first point of contact for AGM is the Executing Agency (EA) at the subproject level. The EA will be responsible for informing Affected Communities about the project commitments and ESMF provisions. Contact information of the Executing Agency, CI and IUCN will be made publicly available to all involved stakeholders.

STEP 2: Contacting CI Ethics Hotline

If your grievance is not resolved through this process, you have the option to file a claim through CI’s EthicsPoint Hotline, which will escalate the matter to the Global Steering Committee (GSC). Through EthicsPoint, CI and/or IUCN, along with the decision of the GSC, will respond within 15 calendar days.

You can reach CI’s Ethics Hotline through various channels:

  • Telephone:
    • United States: Call toll-free at (866) 294-8674
    • Outside the United States: Refer to the dropdown menu on the Ethics Point website for a list of toll-free numbers and country-specific instructions
  • Email

Send your grievance to

  • Ethics Point Web Portal

Access the web portal at 

  • Mail

Senior Director of Risk Management and Compliance
Conservation International 
2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 600 
Arlington, VA 22202, USA

For additional information and inquiries, please contact the ICI Project Management Unit:

Attn: Kristen Walker-Painemilla
Address: 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 600
Arlington, VA, 22202, USA
Phone Number: + 1 (202) 230 9682

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